Knee Osteoarthritis

Support information

Here is some information about osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis - Keeping Me Well

Here is some information provided by the local physio department in Cardiff Knee Pain - Keeping Me Well

Here is a link to information about a physio led group exercise programme which you can self refer to Escape pain hip and knee - Keeping Me Well

Here is a link to information about a physio led programme which you can self refer to which teaches you more about arthritis in the knee What is OAK Knee? - Keeping Me Well

Here is a leaflet with some exercises which can help Knee pain exercise sheet. ( 

Here is a link to videos of some exercises which can help  help  Video exercises for knee pain | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (


Remember you can always book to see a physio at the practice. Please speak to our reception team to find out more information.